fredag 12. oktober 2018

Getting better from depression demands a lifelong commitment. I've made that commitment for my life's sake, and for the sake of those who love me

Here's to everyone out there making progress that no one recognizes,
because you never let anyone see your darkest moments.

To all of you who are silently winning exhausting battles every single day,
using every ounce of strength you've got transforming yourselves:

Be proud of every step you are making in the right direction.

And keep on going.

Trust in yourself and everything you are, even when you feel like nothing.

Fight, even when you feel you've already lost.

Trust that there are people who love you, and believe that they are worth living for
- even when you find it hard to believe in anything at all.

Seek out and hold onto the good memories depression takes away from you
- refuse to let them go, and project them into the future.

Grant yourself the understanding, compassion and time you need to heal
- because no one else will ever be able to know your world through your inner torture chamber.

And remember, you need to acknowledge the pain, its existence and presence
in order to work through it. There is no shortcut around the battlefield,
but I promise you it will be worth the fight in the end.

To all of you souls out there battling depression
- in you I see resilience, courage and incredible strength.

Never give yourself up,
you are worth fighting for.