Etter hvert som jeg har blitt eldre, har jeg utviklet en økende fascinasjon for stjernetegn. Jeg er riktig nok ingen blindt troende, men jeg må innrømme at jeg synes det kan være litt interessant - og da spesielt siden jeg selv er som en rein blåkopi av vannmann-manualen. Som hånd i den berømte hansken.
Som sagt ingen slavisk tilhenger, men jeg liker å leve med et åpent sinn og en anerkjennelse av at det er mye vi ikke nødvendigvis vet eller helt forstår av sammenhenger i totalen av livets regnestykke. Universet er komplekst, og jeg tror alle trådene i skapelsesverket til en viss grad henger sammen eller har en slags fjern felles plattform, kanskje langt utenfor vår fatteevne. Når alt kommer til alt er vi bare mennesker med våre naturlige begrensninger, det er jo allerede ganske grei konsensus om at universet i sin helhet er noe vi rett og slett ikke er i stand til å forstå omfanget av - hvilket jo gjør det hele desto mer interessant. Down the rabbit hole... I uendeligheten. Her blir vi nok aldri komplett utlært, men vi kan så langt vi evner forsøke å se forbi det synlige.
Flere ganger har det jo også hendt at jeg i møte med nye mennesker har fått direkte spørsmål eller kommentarer som "Du er ikke tilfeldigvis vannmann?" eller "Du MÅ jo være vannmann?" og lignende, typisk etterfulgt av "Ah, selvfølgelig er du det!" eller "Jeg visste det!" Og den kan jeg forsåvidt forstå, for å lese om vannmannens typiske trekk og kjennetegn er som å møte meg selv naken i døra.
I litt enklere trekk kan det oppsummeres slik:
"Aquarians are eccentric and energetic in their fight for freedom. They are deep thinkers and highly intellectual people who love to fight for idealistic causes. They are able to see people without prejudice and this makes them truly special. Although they can easily adapt to the energy that surrounds them, Aquarius representatives have a deep need to have time alone and away from everything in order to restore power.
They will rely on their mind and spoken words most of the time, and without mental stimulation might lose interest even in the things that made their heart jump at first. They see the world as a place full of possibilities and have the need to be spontaneous, follow the moment, and live it to the fullest in an attempt not to waste any time.
Aquarians can have an abrupt, and sometimes aggressive nature, but are also sufficiently grounded to find enough distance from other people to remain somewhat indifferent. A visionary and someone ready for changes, an Aquarius is a known thinker and someone who will shake your world once they are in it. They feel best as a part of a certain community, but might have trouble finding just the right place where they feel they belong."
Typical features:
- Generally very easygoing, friendly and sociable but very much introverted
- Independent and with a mind of their own
- Very emotional but masters at keeping their feelings inside
- Practical while thinking intuitively
- Strong convictions and fair-minded
- Sees beauty in imperfection
- Prefers to create for the sake of advancing rather than profiting
- Needs visual stimulation, creativity and dream work to progress
- Wants to analyze everything
- Sucker for adventures
- Always have the balls to do what you tell them not to do
- Looks innocent, but inside there's hiding a sensuality and mysteriousness
that only those special enough get to witness and experience
I litt mer nørdete trekk:
"Despite the word "aqua" in its name, Aquarius is actually the last air sign of the zodiac. Aquarius is represented by the water bearer, the mystical healer who bestows water, or life, upon the land. Accordingly, Aquarius is the most humanitarian astrological sign. These revolutionary thinkers fervently support "power to the people," aspiring to change the world through radical social progress. Every Aquarian is a rebel at heart: These air signs despise authority and anything that represents conventionality. Free-spirited and eccentric, they can often be identified by their offbeat fashion sensibilities, unusual hobbies, and nonconformist attitude.
Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, the planet that governs innovation, technology, and surprising events. Uranus perfectly mirrors Aquarius's distinctive attitude, complementing the nontraditional nature of these visionary air signs. Aquarians are big thinkers, but mustn't forget their immediate surroundings. These water bearers can become so focused on implementing widespread reform that they neglect their family and friends, gaining a reputation for being aloof and distant in relationships.
Like Taurus, Leo, and Scorpio, the other fixed signs of the zodiac, Aquarius can have a bit of a stubborn streak. This is often considered an Achilles' heel. (In fact, in medical astrology Aquarius governs the ankles.) Aquarian obstinacy stems from strong, righteous conviction and it's quelled as soon as an Aquarius gets the chance to enact change. Because these water bearers are so deeply motivated by the spirit of egalitarianism, they enjoy teamwork and participating in communities of like-minded individuals.
However, Aquarians also need plenty of space and time on their own to reflect, form ideas, and plan their role in the revolution. Ultimately, freedom is of the utmost importance for Aquarians, who view challenges to their independence as power-hungry attempts to control them. To win an Aquarian's trust, don't try to reign in their quirks or keep them from flying their freak flag high - Aquarius thrives on shock value."