Imagine, being as free as a flying bird. It's the most beautiful thing I see.
I never get tired of looking at these creatures, absorbing their wonderful nature, and just dream myself away
- to a whole other world, a whole other life.
Imagine, being able to just spread your wings and fly wherever you want, whenever you feel like it.
Being one with the sky and feel the wind tickle your feathers as the air carries you away,
Being one with the sky and feel the wind tickle your feathers as the air carries you away,
on a wave of eternal freedom.
Oh, how I envy them.
Oh, how I envy them.
A prayer to the world, from the bottom of my heart:
Please wake up, and accept the fact that these creatures in no way belong imprisoned in small cages for our amusement!
There is no excuse. I can't even begin to describe the intense sorrow I feel on behalf of those who's forced to live their lives in captivity,
when so clearly they were born to be free... What gives us the right to basically clip their wings? What justifies us robbing them of everything they are?
It absolutely breaks my heart.