tirsdag 21. november 2017

"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated” - Gandhi

May our daily choices be a reflection of our deepest values, and may we use our voices
to speak for those who need us most. Those who have no voice. Those who have no choice.

May we as conscious human beings widen our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures,
and rise above ourselves by choosing compassion over convenience.

Slaughterhouses and animal factories are two of many signs of the extent to which our technological capacities have advanced faster than our ethics.

It's important to remember that the animals of the world exist for their own reasons;
they were not made for humans any more than blacks were made for whites, or women for men.

Animal protection isn’t a radical idea. It follows the simple principle that if animals feel pain, joy and fear, they should be protected from suffering.
Non-violence leads to the highest ethics, which is the goal of all evolution. Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages.

To face animal suffering is to face our responsibility in their suffering. The future depends on what we do in the present.
It is up to each one of us to create the world we want to live in.

If not you, who? If not now, when?

torsdag 16. november 2017

There is some kind of a sweet innocence in being human - in not having to be just happy or just sad - in the nature of being able to be both broken and whole, at the same time

I often find myself much rather being dragged into someone else's fight, than to face what's waiting for me. I find the emotional pain of others, no matter how distressing, a little less painful to deal with than my own.

It has with time become some kind of a periodic survival strategy, I guess - to distract and distance myself from my own feelings. If I don't have the strength or guts to face my own inner demons, I channel my energy into assisting others dealing with theirs. When I know I'm not able to comfort or be strong for myself, I simply feel the need to compensate by using the coping tools I hold to comfort others, and be strong for them.

I think this kind of distraction is somehow typical for many of those who are experienced with the brutality of depression - when you know all too well what it's like to feel absolutely worthless, and you don't want any other human being to be feeling the horror of that mindstate.

We all have scars. I live for using my experience to support those who are going down the same road of destruction I once went down. I choose to allow my past to be worth more than the pain I'm carrying, as it can be used to comfort and give strength to another soul who's suffering. I choose to try focusing on cherishing my trials and tribulations as gifts; embracing these opportunities to share the life experience I've been given through my hardships.

What I need to get better at though, is showing myself the same understanding, the same comfort and patience when I'm struggling, as I show others. You'll never get anywhere by keep suppressing and beating yourself up. Speaking of; what's also important to remember is that you can not pour from an empty cup. You need to give to yourself first, in order to have something to offer others. Without some sort of balance in this department you will end up facing your own downfall.

The damage and invisible scars of emotional abuse are very difficult to heal, as the memories are deeply imprinted in our minds and hearts. It takes time and hard work to be restored. As human beings, we do not easily forget, but the imprints of past traumas does not mean you can't break out of the torturing path you've been thrown into.

The key is to allow ourselves to accept the pain. To allow ourselves to grieve and process in order to heal, to grow, and with time; let go. Pain is like water; it finds a way to push through any seal. There's no way to stop it. Sometimes you simply have to let yourself sink into the deep of it, before you can learn how to swim to the surface.

I recognize I still have a long way to go here; to accept that what's happened to me has happened, to accept and not suppress the pain it has caused, and recognize that it's absolutely natural to have been bruised by it - anything else would simply be inhuman. I need to learn not being so hard on myself, and remind myself that the fact that I'm experiencing periodic depression in light of what I've been through does not make me weak - it is rather my strength abling me to live with and fight through it that defines me. I am only human after all.

tirsdag 14. november 2017

We're born alone, we live alone, we die alone

Av og til innser du hvor alene du egentlig er i verden. En verden hvor ingen virkelig kjenner deg
- hvor ingen kjenner til din sjels dype mørke, som alt i alt er en større del av hvem du er
enn de små lysglimtene du disiplinert eksponerer for omverdenen.

Som et slitent, bunnråttent trehus med et ferskt utendørs malingsstrøk
manipulerer du omgivelsene med polert eksteriør, men slipper ingen inn til det autentiske.

Utad er du kanskje omringet av mennesker
- innad omfavnes du av ensomhet i en mørk fangekjeller bare du kjenner til,
der ingen kan høre deg skrike.

lørdag 26. august 2017

Madness need not be all breakdown. It may also be break-through. It is potential liberation and renewal as well as enslavement and existential death. - R. D. Laing

Remember who you are. Who you are without the number on the scale or your bank account. Without the amount of friends you have, the things you own, or the way you look. Know who you are; your raw, true self. Know your soul, and what is in your heart.

No one is going to stand up at your funeral and say: "He/she had a really expensive couch, a great wardrobe and shoes worth a fortune". Don't make life about superficial stuff, and remind yourself that you don't have to do what everyone else is doing. Do what feels right for you, what is real - not what is considered the easiest.

Because life isn't easy. It isn't supposed to be. Challenge is the pathway to engagement and progress in our lives. Our uniqueness, our individuality, and our life experience molds us into fascinating beings. We should embrace that. I think we should all challenge ourselves to delve into the deepest resources of our hearts, to cultivate an atmosphere of understanding, acceptance, tolerance, and compassion.

And every now and then it takes an overwhelming breakdown to have an undeniable breakthrough - you just have to make room for it. Never be afraid to fall apart. Remember it presents an opportunity to rebuild yourself, stronger and wiser than before, by every step you take through the war zone.

There is no statute of limitations on starting over. Re-invent yourself every day, accept and explore every aspect of your mind. Today, forget about the world outside and stay in your pyjamas, soaked in sadness or paralyzing nothingness. Tomorrow, ignite the bold fighter in you and speak fierce truths, backed up by your own army of self confidence. Be a phoenix. Be ashes. Burn down. Resurrect. Let go of the idea that you have to be one steady edition of yourself. You are only human, you don't have to have your shit together every minute of every day. To deny the full specter of human emotions, is to challenge our very humanity.

There is some kind of a sweet innocence in being human - in not having to be just happy or just sad -
 in the nature of being able to be both broken and whole, at the same time.

lørdag 12. august 2017

Seduce my mind and you can have my body

There's nothing more satisfying than finding someone who's affectionate about your mind.
Someone who wants to undress your conscience, and have badass sex with your uncensored thoughts.

Bathe naked with you in your deep ocean of craziness and absurdities.
Explore outside the comfort zone, and freely misbehave.

Someone who makes you slowly want to take down all the walls you've built around your mind,
and let them inside - touching your soul, setting your body on fire.

tirsdag 2. mai 2017

People fear violence less than their own feelings . . .

I value emotions deeply. Call me sensitive, call me weak, call me outdated, call me whatever you want, but tell me the truth; can you deny emotions give life to life? If emotions are an integral part of being human, why do so many people suppress feeling them? Does the bruising scare them? If so, then I wonder who is "weak"...

People try to bottle up their emotions, as if it's somehow wrong to have natural reactions to life - as if it's wrong to be an authentic human being in this world, the way we were created. I think that is one of the saddest things about people - so many of their most important thoughts and feelings often go unspoken, and barely understood.

I see it all the time, how people who are honest about their feelings are perceived as "weak" or "too much". To feel, and to feel deeply, is not a symptom of weakness, it is the trademark of the truly alive and compassionate souls in this world. There is no shame in expressing your authentic feelings - to be honest, and to be real.

In my opinion, those who are at times described as being "too sensitive" are the very fabric of what keeps the dream alive for a more caring, humane world. It is not the emapth who is broken, it is society that in many ways has become dysfunctional and emotionally disabled. Almost robotic. Never be ashamed to speak from your heart or to let your tears shine a light in this world.

Do not let the roles you play in life make you forget that you are human. We all are. We're all in the same boat, going through life as a symphony of notes of high and low. We need to open up to be more accepting of the full spectre of human emotions, and recognize that they all serve a purpose. And because I trust in the ever-changing climate of the heart, I think it's necessary to have some brutal ass-beating experiences from time to time for the sake of truly feeling something; for the sake of being challenged, for the sake of growing, to have something to offer others, and to learn what we are capable of.

mandag 1. mai 2017

Nobody can give you freedom. You take it

Her mind is deliciously improper.
It is a mess, and she has no intention of cleaning today.

She is free in her wildness. A wanderess. A leaf in the wind.
She belongs to no man, and to no destination. She knows nothing of borders, and invents her own rules and customs.

She lives to freely and fully express herself, in every dimension of her life.

'Time' for her isn't something to fight against.
Her life flows clean. With passion. Like fresh water.

lørdag 29. april 2017

Love is a blind whore with mental disease and no sense of humor

I hear so much talk about how true love between two people is preferred to make some sort of sense. That it in every way should feel so right, be so easy, feel so safe... with everything being in place, right where it should be. A perfect match. I mean... why?

Why can't it just... be? The human mind is complex, with a heart of ever-changing climate. I don't need or even want everything to make sense all the time. Most of the time I'm not even able to make sense of myself. Things can feel absolute shit one day, and heavenly the next. It's the most natural thing in the world. There's a fine line between love and hate - but both feelings have roots in genuinely caring about another human being, and are often more related than one may think.

I don't want someone to base their interest on and fall in love with the part of me that has got my shit together - if there even is any. I want somebody to somehow find some kind of strange pleasure in the mess that I can be underneath the surface. Someone who gets along with my inner child and my inner asshole, and at the same time to a degree can harmonize with the more serious and reflective side of me - willing to join a dive into the deep ocean of life's philosophies and discuss everything to pieces. And I gladly welcome significant personal differences and heavy disagreements, it just makes the relation even more interesting.

Don't try me unless you're ready for a goddamn fight. I don't want it to be easy. Easy is boring. I don't want fiction or fairy tales, or anything picture perfect. I don't want you to sugarcoat the shit out of everything that comes out of your mouth. I want genuinity, and humanity. I want you to be irrational, because I'm irrational. Be authentic, be bold. Speak your mind. Challenge me. Put up a fight. I want your wildfires, and your obscenities. In fact, the more honest and absurd, the better.

Treat me with respect, but don't handle me like I'm porcelain. I'm not a fragile little bird you can't squeeze too hard. Fuck me like you really mean it - but don't stop at just fucking the physical part of me; I appreciate a good and thorough mindfuck every now and then.

Let us embrace our inner shitkids, annoy the shit out of each other, and laugh about it like immature retards. Let us face challenges together, cheering on and inspiring each other in overcoming trials and growing as conscious human beings - fulfilling each other in the strangest and most unlikely ways. Let us fight against routines and bad habits, and anything boringly typical. Let's just allow ourselves to be free and independent individuals, living life to the absolute fullest in each others company, one moment at a time - without necessarily having to analyze and lable our relation in order to verify it.

Let us just be... and let things be.

I'm not insulted if people call me sensitive. Feeling things deeply is my super power. I'm an empathetic badass

Noen ganger føles det å peile seg gjennom dagen som å skulle stå slalom gjennom et minefelt. Når du kjenner rustningen din er tynnslitt, og at nærmest alt av inntrykk siver inn gjennom sprekkene og trigger ditt indre hav av emosjoner, med eksplosiv virkning.

Av og til føles det rett og slett som om jeg bærer hele nervesystemet mitt utenpå kroppen. Så blottet. Så sårbart. Nokså ironisk, da jeg vet jeg av mange kan oppfattes som en veldig upåvirkelig person ikledd et hardt skall - mens sannheten egentlig er at jeg analyserer omgivelser og absorberer inntrykk så filterløst at jeg ofte blir en eneste følelsesmessig tornado på innsiden, som nådeløst herjer og river meg i alle mulige retninger.

Det krever for meg alt jeg har av konsentrasjon for å sjonglere alle disse ballene i luften, og samtidig skulle være mentalt tilstede i kommunikasjonen med andre mennesker. Jeg tenker, føler og reflekterer over så mye til enhver tid, at det tidvis faktisk oppleves som en alternativ indre heltidsjobb - uten mulighet for matpauser.

For eksempel, er det å passere et blindt menneske med førerhund på gaten for meg en typisk utløser... Det fungerer faktisk som en slags universalnøkkel som åpner så å si alle mine ulike følelsesmessige sluser, og trigger tilnærmet hele spekteret av emosjoner. Som en tsunami skyller de innover meg i forbipasseringen, og jeg får brått en omfattende ryddejobb med å skulle sortere og bearbeide et fullstendig kaos av tanker og følelser i uregjerlig spinn.

Sorg, på vegne av mennesket som er frarøvet evnen til å se. Tristhet og dårlig samvittighet, over livets urettferdigheter - hvorfor ham/henne, og ikke meg? Glede og takknemlighet, fordi vedkommende får hjelp til å manøvrere seg gjennom hverdagen, og likevel kan leve et verdig liv. Og ikke minst, det som virkelig rører ved roten av hjertet mitt; det vakre samspillet mellom menneske og hund, basert på tillit og kjærlighet til hverandre. To verdifulle vesener på hver sin måte, som utfyller hverandre og tar fatt på livet sammen. Det er virkelig noe av det nydeligste jeg ser, til en slik grad at jeg faktisk sliter med å holde tårene i sjakk. Jeg blir så inderlig rørt.

Noen ganger kan bare det å se en flokk fugler fly forbi meg i all sin prakt være nok til at jeg kjenner tårene presse på. Friheten og uskyldigheten disse vesenene for meg symboliserer er så ubeskrivelig vakkert, at jeg faktisk har vanskeligheter med å sette ord på hvor dypt det rører meg. Samtidig dukker da gjerne også tanken på alle verdens fugler i fangenskap opp - de som ikke er like heldige, som er blitt dømt til uverdige liv i små bur uten mulighet til å få strekke ut vingene sine, frarøvet sin frihet for det egoistiske menneskets underholdning. Det gjør meg så sint, og det gjør meg så vondt.

Så har vi jo de tilfellene hvor jeg registrerer åpenbar lidelse hos et annet vesen, hos dyr så vel som hos mennesker. Det er virkelig ingenting som river hjertet mitt mer i fillebiter... Med en allerede oversensitiv følelsesradar, er dette observasjoner som gjerne oppleves forferdelig utfordrende å skulle prosessere - for nei, jeg er rett og slett ikke i stand til å bare overse det og bevege meg upåvirket videre. Det resulterer gjerne i total unntaktstilstand på innsiden, hvor jeg må iverksette alle mulige forsvarsmekanismer for ikke å bryte sammen. For å ta et eksempel, er det nå snart en måneds tid siden jeg passerte en haltende kråke med ødelagt vinge på gaten, som tydelig hadde vanskeligheter med å fungere - jeg sliter fremdeles per dags dato med å få ristet av meg sorgen som slo innover meg på denne fuglens vegne...

Typisk meg, ender jeg der og da i tåken av det akutte følelseskaoset mitt med å instinktivt senke kroppsholdningen, og forsøke å tilnærme meg fuglen som en utspekulert katt på musejakt, i håp om å få fatt på den og kunne levere den et eller annet sted for behandling - dessverre uten hell. Jeg kan jo umulig ha sett videre mentalt frisk ut der jeg stivpynta trava hvileløst alene rundt i parken midt i Oslo, med lett narkisknekk i knærne på desperat kråkesafari... En gang begynte jeg til og med å småtute for meg selv idet jeg gikk forbi vinduet til en interiørbutikk på en litt tung dag, fordi det stod utstilt puter med det jeg syntes var så utrolig nydelige natur- og dyremotiv at det rett og slett rakna litt for meg. Forbipasserende må jo ha oppfattet meg som et eller annet litt tyngre psykiatrisk tilfelle... Det var altså bare et så fint lite lyspunkt å få øye på midt i den tjukke jungelen av grå murbygg, eksosluft og tung trafikk - hvilket jeg endte med å absorbere som en uttørka svamp.

Jeg har rett og slett bare måttet forsone meg med min natur og akseptere at det er slik jeg er; jeg har et forferdelig levende følelsesliv, som ofte instinktivt og impulsivt avgjør handlingsmønsteret mitt i hverdagen. Hvorvidt det er en positiv egenskap eller ei, kommer selvfølgelig helt an på situasjonen. Det er fordeler og ulemper med alt, og det er viktig å jobbe kontinuerlig med seg selv for å finne en sunn balanse. Jeg er fremdeles et prosjekt under arbeid.

fredag 7. april 2017

God loved the birds and invented trees. Man loved the birds and invented cages

Imagine, being as free as a flying bird. It's the most beautiful thing I see.

I never get tired of looking at these creatures, absorbing their wonderful nature, and just dream myself away
- to a whole other world, a whole other life.

Imagine, being able to just spread your wings and fly wherever you want, whenever you feel like it.
Being one with the sky and feel the wind tickle your feathers as the air carries you away,
on a wave of eternal freedom.

Oh, how I envy them.

A prayer to the world, from the bottom of my heart:
Please wake up, and accept the fact that these creatures in no way belong imprisoned in small cages for our amusement!
There is no excuse. I can't even begin to describe the intense sorrow I feel on behalf of those who's forced to live their lives in captivity,
when so clearly they were born to be free... What gives us the right to basically clip their wings? What justifies us robbing them of everything they are?
It absolutely breaks my heart.

søndag 2. april 2017

The purpose of life is to live it, and to taste your experiences to the utmost

I'm kind of an unpredictable soul. Very impulsive. Flying around, high and low.
Like a leaf in the wind... But whatever I do, is motivated by honesty.

Sometimes I have no idea what I want to do from one day to the next,
or even from one moment to the other. I can't enjoy anything premeditated;
I just do it as I feel it. Listen to my heart, the hunger of my soul, and follow my inner flow.

I want to live simply.

I want to sit by the window when it rains, and read books I'll never be tested on.
I want to paint because I want to, not because I've got something to prove.
I want to light a candle at the stroke of midnight, and spend the whole night writing out of the rawness of my heart.

I want to go out in the middle of the night when everyone else is asleep and embrace the moonlight,
fuel up with musical soul food and just run through the magic of the dark shaded landscape.

I want to feel true connection with another soul, with all its strengths and human weaknesses,
let ourselves taste each other and genuinely and fearlessly melt together in insane, mindblowing sex far out of this world.

I want to harmonize with the spark of my inner child, climb trees, laugh my ass off on the swing like a complete retard,
and fully enjoy and absorb the greatness and enrichment of the little moments.

I want to listen to my body,
fall asleep when the moon is high and wake up slowly, with no place to rush off to.

I want not to be governed by money or clocks,
or any artificial restraints that humanity imposes on itself.

I just want to be,
boundless and infinite.

fredag 31. mars 2017

Stay true to yourself, because there are very few people who will always be true to you

You may think everyone has the same heart as you, and that's what's gonna fuck you up. You'll be crowned the most disappointed person of the year if you live your life thinking people will do the same for you, as you do for them. It is simply naive.

You'll learn through the years, that not everyone will invest as much in you, as you invest in them. That some people won't care as much as you do, or even be willing to show you the same respect in return. In fact, some people will not give a damn shit about you at all.

Don't let this wear you down. The important thing is that you through your actions and investments in others have been true to yourself, true to your values and what you believe in. Being yourself as a genuine human being can never be wrong, and is never a loss. Not being granted in return whatever you give does not leave you a poorer person, quite the opposite - standing solid on your moral ground regardless is of priceless value, both to your conscience and your integrity. I am of that perception that if you stay true to yourself and your inner spark in whatever situation you're in, you'll never have regrets - no matter what the outcome.

I simply live by the rule that if I got something to give, I give it, whether or not it grants me anything in return. Regardless, the gesture itself is to me the most valuable - to have contributed as a fellow human being. To have done what I in my heart think is right. Some may see me as too emotionally invested, or even extremely "uncool" for not keeping up today's trendy fasade as an unconcerned and unattainable woman, but hell, I'm for a warmer society and being a good animal on this planet. I'm not going to sacrifice that for anything or anyone. And if who I am isn't good enough or appreciated by the people around me - I simply change the people around me.

Life is all about being true to yourself and what you believe in, at all times, even when it's not trendy. No matter how you are living your life - if you are real, genuine and unapologetically yourself, the right people will respect you. And the wrong people... well, they're irrelevant.

fredag 24. mars 2017

The highest courage is to dare to be yourself in the face of adversity

The human race is a herd. Here we are, unique, eternal aspects of consciousness with an infinity of potential, and we have in many ways allowed ourselves to become an unthinking, unquestioning blob of conformity and uniformity. A herd. Once we concede to the herd mentality, we can be controlled and directed by a tiny few. And we are.

Wake up! Take a deep dive within yourself - who are you really? What do you need? What matters to you? You shouldn't be comparing or competing with others, nor should you be struggling to impress anyone or seek confirmation and acceptance by trying to be anything else but yourself. If you are; jump off the carousel and stop that absurdity this instant. Free yourself! The unhappiest people in this world are those who care the most about what anyone else thinks of them. What other people think of you simply shouldn't be any of your fucking business.

Trust me when I say that one of the greatest mental freedoms is truly not caring about what anyone else thinks of you - personally I'd rather be someone's shot of whiskey than everyone's cup of tea. So someone out there doesn't like you? Fine, not your problem. We are not designed to be compatible with everyone anyway.

Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself. Focus on being you, doing your own thing, and let yourself blossom in your own unique way. There is a vitality, a life force, an energy that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. If you block it, it will never exist through any other medium - and it'll be lost. Remember; in diversity there is beauty, and there is strength. All the charm and all the beauty of life are made up of light and shade.

Always be a first rate version of yourself, there is no one better at it than you. Don't ever downgrade yourself to be a second rate version of someone else - what the hell's the point? Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world really needs, is people who have truly come alive.

Accept, own and never compromise yourself, 'cause honestly;
in a world where everything comes and goes and nothing ever is for certain, you are really all you have.

onsdag 22. mars 2017

The greatest gifts you can give your children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence

I'd rather struggle every day of my life to get what I have, than to ever give someone the power to say: "You wouldn't have that if it wasn't for me." I prefer to be my own experiment. My own work of art. The things I treasure most in life cannot be taken away - they exist within me, as building blocks of my own inner universe.

And how to be happy? Learn to never need or depend on anyone else but yourself, and don't expect a goddamn thing - not from anyone. People will let you down, and promises will be broken. Simply expect less from others, and more from yourself. Don't wait for someone to bring you flowers; plant your own. Because at the end of the day, the only one you can truly trust and depend on, is yourself.

Find confidence within your soul and build yourself as a solid empire of your own values, of your own strength, of what inspires and what drives you, on independent ground. Be your own mentor, your own hero. Never underestimate yourself and what you're capable of. Whether you think you can, or you think you can't - you're right.

Since childhood I've cultivated an existential independence, which I will forever wholeheartedly treasure. Admittedly this came from perceiving the adults and everything else around me as unreliable, and without it I simply wouldn't have survived - I had no other choice but depending on myself, and myself only. But! Although it was in no way an ideal way to grow up - I'm not gonna deny it was a living hell at times - it made me who I am today; it made me an independent soul. It made me a fighter. And for that I am eternally grateful.

Rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I built my life. It taught me not to take anything for granted, and to make the most of what I've got. It blessed me with the capability to see and truly appreciate the smallest pleasures and true values in life - which enriches my existence immensly.

Remember: It's not about the hand you're dealt, but how you play the cards.
Turn your curses into blessings and never allow yourself to become a victim - be a fighter.