fredag 12. oktober 2018

Getting better from depression demands a lifelong commitment. I've made that commitment for my life's sake, and for the sake of those who love me

Here's to everyone out there making progress that no one recognizes,
because you never let anyone see your darkest moments.

To all of you who are silently winning exhausting battles every single day,
using every ounce of strength you've got transforming yourselves:

Be proud of every step you are making in the right direction.

And keep on going.

Trust in yourself and everything you are, even when you feel like nothing.

Fight, even when you feel you've already lost.

Trust that there are people who love you, and believe that they are worth living for
- even when you find it hard to believe in anything at all.

Seek out and hold onto the good memories depression takes away from you
- refuse to let them go, and project them into the future.

Grant yourself the understanding, compassion and time you need to heal
- because no one else will ever be able to know your world through your inner torture chamber.

And remember, you need to acknowledge the pain, its existence and presence
in order to work through it. There is no shortcut around the battlefield,
but I promise you it will be worth the fight in the end.

To all of you souls out there battling depression
- in you I see resilience, courage and incredible strength.

Never give yourself up,
you are worth fighting for.

tirsdag 28. august 2018

Love is like a delightful mental disease

I don't need a hero.
I saved myself long ago.

I don't need someone to complete me.
I am whole alone.

What I want is a wonderful fellow weirdo to make an adventure out of life with.
Someone who will happily dance toe to toe with my craziness.

Someone who will kiss my rude ass face when I least expect it, make me laugh like a complete retard
and jump with me into liberating childishness with both feet.

Together intoxicated
with the romance of the slightly fucked up.

No, I am not looking for someone to save me.
All I want is someone to stand by my side as I save myself.

And that I am blessed with.
Authentic love.

tirsdag 24. juli 2018

The most precious light is the one that visits you in your darkest hour

Once in a while, there are those moments when you feel a glimpse of light in your soul,
and realize you are happy to be alive.

Those moments when you can appreciate your own being, and find beauty in even the smallest of things around you.
When you can smile and actually truly mean it, and without it taking absolutely everything in you to do it.

And it feels almost like an overwhelming drug related high - because you're so used to experiencing the other side.
You know too well the opposite - the empty yet paralyzingly painful shadow of life.

And that is what I live for...
... to collect these valuable moments, and to cherish and absorb them with every living cell in my body when they occur.

They bless me with fuel much needed to continue walking the path of life,
through storms of darkness and despair - longing and fighting for the next glimpse of relieving sunlight.

torsdag 21. juni 2018

The unhappiest people in this world are those who care the most about what people think

Care about what other people think, and you will always be their prisoner.

Let people judge you.
Let them misunderstand you.
Let them talk, blabber and gossip about you.

The key is to not allow other people's perceptions to define you
- their opinions are simply not your problem or any of your fucking business.

You are the only one who truly knows you
and therefore the only one entitled to define who you are.

You just do you and dance confidently to the beat of your own drum.
Stay true to yourself and free in your authenticity,
committed to kindness and being a good animal on this planet.

To shine your brightest light is to be who you truly are, unaffected by anything or anyone,
and one of the greatest mental freedoms is truly not caring about what anyone else think of you.

tirsdag 1. mai 2018

Suicide is not a blot on anyone's name; it is a tragedy

Jeg registrerer ofte mye snakk i etterkant av et selvmord som er blitt gjort allment kjent. Snakk om selvmordet som en svak, feig og egoistisk handling folk fordømmer med hard hånd.

Jeg må ærlig innrømme at jeg finner mange av disse holdningene som utvises forstyrrende ignorante.

Personlig mener jeg ethvert individ selv må få ha enerett til å avgjøre om man ønsker å være en del av livet eller ei, uten at andre fra sitt subjektive ståsted og sin høye hest skal peke finger og kritisere et annet menneskes tragedie. For det er nettopp det det er; en tragedie - som mange av en eller annen uforståelig grunn har behov for å håne? Snakk om å sparke nedover.

Selvfølgelig, mange tilfeller av uvilje til å leve skyldes ofte psykisk ubalanse som med tid kan behandles, riktig hjelp kan utvilsomt være med på å redde et liv og jeg ønsker på ingen måte å romantisere selvmord - men i noen tilfeller tror jeg dessverre også det handler mye om at man med sitt kaliber rett og slett ikke er laget for denne verden... Slik en fisk skylt på land pines i det som for den er helt feil og unaturlig habitat. Når alt er prøvd, men har mislykkes - hvor depresjon og angst fremdeles tviholder om deg med jerngrep, og døden blir stående igjen som eneste utvei fra den indre torturen. Det handler ikke nødvendigvis om at tanken på døden er så fryktelig appellerende, men når man et visst nivå av uutholdelig smerte dyttes man gjerne i retning av å velge det minste av to onder - slik et menneske fanget av flammer i et brennende tårn til slutt vil velge å hoppe i døden fra nærmeste vindu.

Folk må huske at viljen til å leve er noe av det sterkeste i mennesket. Det naturlige overlevelsesinstinktet er gjerne rent sinnsmessig uovervinnelig. Vi hører om mennesker som gnager av seg lemmer dersom det gjør at de berger livet. Folk er villige til å gjøre de mest desperate ting for å overleve. Når et menneske da velger å ta sitt eget liv... da er det virkelig svart, langt hinsides hva de fleste evner å forestille seg.

Ønsket om å fri seg selv fra et evigvarende, seigpinende fangenskap som sakte, men sikkert tar livet av deg, litt etter litt, hver eneste dag, er så langt ifra svakt, feigt eller egoistisk som det kan få blitt. Egoistisk mener jeg derimot det er å forvente at andre skal leve i lidelse for ditt velbefinnende.

Det er viktig å huske på og anerkjenne at vi alle er ulike, utstyrt med ulike sjelelige mekanismer. Det finnes ikke bare èn virkelighet, virkelighet er subjektivt. Det er nemlig ingen som ufiltrert og ufarget ser virkeligheten for hva virkeligheten virkelig er - vi opplever virkelighet utifra hvordan hver og en av oss er skrudd sammen. Det som kan tenkes å være en helt fjern og usannsynlig tilværelse i ditt hode kan være et annet menneskes uunngåelige virkelighet, og vice versa.

For de som er så heldige få å være glade, friske og fornøyde, føles det naturligvis utenkelig å skulle ta sitt eget liv - men for de som virkelig lider i eget sinn, kan det dessverre i noen tilfeller ende med å stå igjen som den eneste veien ut av en konstant smerte man ikke lenger er i stand til å holde ut.

Å velge bort livet er til syvende og sist hver enkelts eget valg, noe jeg mener flere må lære seg å respektere selv om det som utenforstående kan være vanskelig eller rent umulig å begripe. Vi utviser da respekt overfor mennesker med brutale og uhelbredelige fysiske sykdommer som velger å slippe, før de visner fullstendig hen, gjør vi ikke? Og vi anerkjenner dem for kampen de har kjempet? Mange har en tendens til å tenke om selvmord at det ikke har vært noen kamp involvert, at vedkommende bare apatisk har gitt opp, når det i virkeligheten faktisk handler om å ha tapt en lang og utmattende kamp for å være i live.

Noe flere virkelig trenger å forstå er at det ikke bare er somatiske sykdommer som med sin brutalitet kan ha dødelig utfall - psykisk sykdom tar i aller høyeste grad også liv, intet mindre brutalt. Viktig å huske er også at det er depresjonen som dreper et menneske. Ikke selvmord. Sistnevnte er mer en formalitet.

Grunnen til at dette temaet engasjerer meg i så stor grad er at jeg selv alltid har hatt en sterk iboende følelse av å ikke høre hjemme her. Alltid kjent meg malplassert, og følt på et slags naturlig og absolutt utenforskap. Alene i mengden. Ensom, selv med mennesker rundt meg.

Jeg har rett og slett aldri følt meg tilstrekkelig skapt for denne verden, med all dens brutalitet, urettferdighet og lidelse blant så mange mennesker og dyr - det absorberes i meg til en tung byll det føles utmattende å være i besittelse av. Andre sjelers smerte er min sjels smerte - jeg evner rett og slett ikke å sortere ut eller stenge det ute, og bærer det konstant med meg, hver eneste dag. Dette i tillegg til mine egne personlige utfordringer som menneske, gjør at tilværelsen mye av tiden oppleves som et mørkt torturkammer det er vanskelig å se noen utvei fra... Livet blir for mye for meg.

Når jeg ferdes ute og får øye på gamle mennesker tar jeg meg ofte i å bli tung til sinns, mens jeg stiller meg uforstående til hvordan de har klart stå i livet så lenge, da jeg selv aldri hadde trodd jeg engang skulle klare å holde ut 20-årene... Nå er jeg blitt 29. Det har hele veien vært utenkelig for meg å forestille seg, og det har medført en slags merkelig følelse av å leve på overtid. Den absolutt avgjørende faktoren har definitivt vært kjærligheten til og ikke minst ansvarsfølelsen overfor mine nærmeste, så vel dyr som mennesker, som gir meg vilje til å holde ut en dag til, og en dag til, og en dag til... De gir meg en grunn til og en mening med å være her, og oppleve små lysglimt som tidvis dukker opp innimellom mørket, tross alt.

onsdag 18. april 2018

There are wounds that never show on the body that are deeper and more painful than anything that bleeds

It all starts with not wanting to get out of bed... That's how you know you're getting bad again, and you just wish you could go back to a time when you could smile and it didn't take everything in you to do it.

When depression hits, "I'm tired" means a permanent state of exhaustion that sleep doesn't fix. And sleep isn't just sleep anymore - it's an escape, because you can no longer stand the pain of your own existence. As soon as you wake up all you want to do is go back to sleep, to avoid the horror of being conscious.

When depression takes over and I can't push through it, I simply have to close my door and shut the world out. It's the only way I know how to survive. The only thing more exhausting than being depressed is pretending that you're not, and forcing smiles with strength you don't have.

Trapped in this mindstate, you face a constant battle to keep from sinking. Simply existing is a full time job, and just the thought of facing the day feels like broken glass in your soul.

It's difficult, almost impossible, to describe depression to someone who's never truly been there themseleves, because depression isn't sadness... Sadness hurts, yes - but it is a healthy feeling, and it is a necessary thing to feel. Depression is very different. It has nothing to do with having a bad day or being sad; it's about genuinely not wanting to be alive. Kind of like being colorblind and constantly being told how colorful the world is. You just don't belong.

- You don't understand depression until you can't stand your own presence in an empty room.

I'm so sick and tired of people misusing the term depression and romanticizing it. Anyone who has actually been there can tell you that there's nothing beautiful or literary or mysterious about it. It's fucking torture, slowly squeezing all zest for life out of you. A constant feeling of drowning, desperately fighting to keep your head over water - an exhausting battle between a body that fights to survive and a mind that wants to die.

onsdag 11. april 2018

Human life - existential horror

Ever heard of depressive realism?
- a theory that people suffering from depression may actually have
a more accurate perception of reality than individuals with "healthy" minds.

Compared with so-called healthy individuals, depressives are simply more realistic in their worldview.

Studies have found that people with depression actually score higher on tests of realism,
and that intelligence is positively correlated with mental illness and suicide.

This indicates that if the mind is in a state where it sees reality stripped down for what it truly is,
it's more likely to want to destroy itself... which undoubtedly makes a whole lot of sense, in my opinion.

Human life is existential horror.

I know many tend to lable depressive souls as somewhat crazy or pessimistic...
I prefer the term realist.

onsdag 4. april 2018

Taking pain and turning it into something beautiful, into something that people connect to - that's what good music does

Slik en heroinist skyter goodshiten sin i åra, skyter jeg musikk i sjela.
Hverken terapeuter eller noen former for stimulanter har en dritt å stille opp med
mot ei skikkelig god dose personlig foretrukket musikk.

Musikk er terapi. Det er medisin. Rein rus.

Musikkens særegne evne til å bistå en i å bearbeide følelser
og behage tidvis forstyrra sinnstilstander er intet annet enn unik. 

Noen som utvilsomt har forstått og virkelig mestrer kunsten
å formidle ekte, genuin og mektig musikk rått fra sjela, er Kristopher Schau.
Reine fjernterapeuten right here.

torsdag 15. mars 2018

I am under no obligation to make sense to you

I am who I am. Condomless.

I speak my mind. I stand up for my beliefs.
I think my own thoughts. I make my own decisions. I do things my own way.

I refuse to be restrained.

I don't compromise what's in my heart.
My passions burn stronger than any fear of not being accepted or standing alone.

And if this makes me a freak in some people's eyes, then so be it.
I'll embrace the title.

You learn who you are by unlearning who you were taught to be.

Never trade in your authenticity for approval
- it's better to be an authentic "loser" than a false success, and to die alive than to live dead.

Trust your own madness. Be you. The world will adjust.

onsdag 28. februar 2018

It is both a blessing and a curse, to feel everything so very deeply

Everything you experience hits you deep, raw and intense.

You're always tired.

You constantly absorb the emotions of those around you
leaving you mentally and energetically exhausted, even if you don't realize it's occuring.

You experience a wide variety of emotional states throughout the day,
followed by an overactive dream state at night, which offers little time for a mental relief.

As emotional radars, you instantly pick up on the vibes around you
and tend to gravitate the most towards those who are hurting - even if you're not in a good place yourself.

You can't help it, it is simply who you are. How you're wired.

Your intense instinct to help and soothe the pain of others
often results in a whole range of interpersonal and inner issues, which in the end leaves you completely drained.


You experience a brutal crash landing - then having to rebuild yourself from scratch.

... and so the history repeats itself.

The sad thing that many of us empaths don't realize,
is that often our desire to heal others is a disguised cry for help for our own healing.

Because many of us weren't taught how to value or nurture ourselves at a young age,
we tend to unconsciously seek out our own healing in the healing of others.

Empaths tend to care where and when the world doesn't
because we know all to well what it's like waiting for rescue, and no one shows up.

We have rescued ourselves so many times that we have become self taught in the art of compassion for those forgotten.

mandag 15. januar 2018

Each new day is a blank page in the diary of your life

There comes a time for healing, no matter how broken you've been.
Through the storm you will eventually find new strength.

There comes a time when you will go outside and meet the world again.
Let the sun shine on your face. Let the wind touch your hair.

There comes a time when you will be happy to be alive.
Appreciate your own being, and find beauty in the smallest of moments
- because you've experienced the other side.
You have known the opposite.

There will be a day where you resurrect.
Rise from the darkness. Free from the chains.
And that day will be the beginning of everything.

The beauty of life is that you can allow each day to be a new beginning
- your own clean slate where you can start all over again.

fredag 12. januar 2018

The black maze

In a dark place

No where to hide
No where to escape

Naked, beaten, bruised
Robbed of everything you are

An empty shell of yourself
Trapped in a black maze

onsdag 10. januar 2018

Art is my cure to all this madness, sadness and loss of belonging in the world, and through it I'll walk myself home

Who are you?
Answer without your name, your job, things you've done, your possessions, your friends...

The first questions we're often asked are "what do you do?" or "where are you from?"
As if that somehow defines you. Nobody ever ask who you really are.

... And who are you, really?

You are not a name, a weight, or a gender.
You are not the money in your wallet, your friends, or your looks.
You are not an age, your past, or where you're from...

You are a thousand things, but sadly most people choose to see the million things you're not.
They simply don't see you for you.

You are not where you're from - you are where you're going.

You are your individual consciousness. You are your soul, and your passions.
Your mentality and reflections. Your conscience, your intentions.

You are what lies beyond everything physical, what lives deep down in your mind and heart
- your own inner continuously evolving work of art.